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Episode one the phantom menace is the prequel to the original Star Wars trilogy, and shows the start to the Star Wars saga.
In the original Star Wars Movies we followed a young boy by the name of Luke Skywalker, a young farm boy, we followed Luke as he was forced to leave his home planet and trains as a jedi knight and in turn saves the galaxy from the evil empire.
The Characters in Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace
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Qui-Gon Jinn
Qui-Gon Jinn is a distinguished elder of the Jedi knights. Qui-Gon jinn is now in his late 60's and stands imposingly over any enemy.
Qui-Gon has all the qualities of nobility, wisdom and leadership you'd expect from any accomplished Jedi master. Yet Qui-Gon is a known as a wilful maverick that prefers to follow the path he chooses rather than the path the Jedi council offers him.
Qui-Gon has a strong empathy for other living things, although ageing he remains an active and strong warrior. It takes only the sight of his powerful present strikes fear in to any enemy.
As a Jedi Qui-Gon can never attack, but only protect. With his strength, knowledge, and presence, Qui-Gon is an inspiration to his headstrong apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a worthy apprentice to Qui-Gon Jinn. Spirited, skilful and strong-willed he combines the noble qualities of the Jedi with the energy and the enthusiasm of youth. Always quick to impress this master, Obi-Wan can also be headstrong, cocky and a naive. All this areas build up to for a trustworthy and loyal friend and companion.
While loyal to Qui-Gon he does not always agree with his master's maverick ways, the most annoying is his tendency to take other life forms under this wing. Obi-Wan has a natural inclination to follow the rules and with his training nearly completed, Obi-Wan has the making of an impressive Jedi knight.
Nute Gunray
A Nemoidian trade viceroy and the leader of the trade federation's battleship in command of the blockade of Naboo. Nute Gunray takes his orders from his evil master Darth Sidious. Along with fellow viceroy Rune Haako, Nute fears the Jedi and has a respect for the power they can harness.
Queen Amidala
Queen Amidala is the recently elected leader of the planet Naboo, and by no means is she an ordinary ruler. She has regal beauty and presence that inspires awe and devotion among her subjects.
Queen Amidala is also renowned for her spectacular gowns and the glorious headpieces. There is much more to Queen Amidala than here beauty and outfits. Her loving compassion for the people of Naboo, and there for it is easy to say there is no question that she has the strength, wisdom and courage of a great leader.
Jar Jar Binks
This happy go lucky, amphibian creature has a charm all of this own. He talks ten to the dozen in his own peculiar slang. He is also a very clumsy individual.
Jar Jar Binks comes form a race of people called Gungans who live in a large underwater city called Otoh Gunga on the planet of Naboo. But due to an unfortunate accident caused by his clumsiness he was banished form the city, but this still does not stop him from being kind, helpful and honest.
Jar Jar Binks is very knowledgeable about his native planet he still has a lot to learn about him self.
Anakin Skywalker
A nine year old boy who has a strong link to the force, and has an extremely high measure of midi-chlorins, the microscopic life form that communicates with the force.
Anakin is devoted to his mother Shmi, but the identity of his farther is unknown. Both Anakin and his mother are slaves to a junk dealer, Watto.
While on Tatooine Qui-Gon instantly recognises the potential power of Anakin, and believes he has a great future in front of him. To secure his freedom from slavery the cleaver, quick-witted and resourceful boy builds and races his own pod racer in one of Tatooine's famous pod races. Anakin feels his destiny lies with the Jedi, and agrees to leave his loving mother behind while he goes off to take up the chalange of his destiny.
Darth Maul
The very sight of Darth Maul could strike fear in to the bravest of souls. Maul is a sith lord and loyal apprentice to Darth Sidious. Darth maul is a very mysterious character and his very presence is ominous and brooding.
Darth Mauls terrifying appearance of yellow eyes and his horned, tattooed visage make any opponent look twice. His athletic skills prove to make him a fearsome opponent who proves to be more than Qui-Gon's age and wisdom could defeat.
Soaked in the evil side of the force, Maul's ferocity is lethal when unleashed. With is double-edged light sabre, Darth maul can lay waste to several adversaries at once with effortless ease and fluid grace. This sith lords' persistence makes them even more dangerous.
C-3PO was built on the outer Rim world of Tatooine by Anakin Skywalker and was originally intended for a household servant. So far C-3PO is only partly assembled, and looks very unattractive with wires and circuitry weaving in and out of the humanoid figure.
In fact C-3PO is an unfinished and unrefined human-cyborg relations droid with a databank of many languages. Although at present he is not aware of this fact. For C-3PO the adventure has just began.
R2-D2 is an exceptionally brave and resourceful droid, he was one of the many astrometric droids found on Queen Amidala's spacecraft. His domed head and cylindrical body are covered in sensors and instruments. R2-D2 stands upright with two legs and has a third appendage that is available when extra stability or movement is required.
Queen Amidala thanks R2-D2 after under heavy enemy fire he manages to repair the spacecraft allowing it to escape from the blockade of Naboo.
Watto is a Toydarian junk dealer who does not believe in playing fair, so any body dealing with him must have their wits about them. Even the Jedi have trouble dealing with Watto, as he does not succumb to their mind control powers.
Watto is also the slave master of Anakin and his mother, this only proves that Watto will deal in many different fields but at what cost.
The Jedi Council
On Coroscant, the capital of the Republic the tall spires of the temple of the Jedi stand out against the Skyline. In the temple of Jedi is the Council chamber where 12 Wise Jedi's agree to see Anakin and test him with the view to allow Jedi training.
Sitting centrally in the council chamber is the senior Jedi Mace Windu.
Despite Qui-Gon's faith in Anakin the Jedi council members sense anger and fear in the boy and refuse permission for Qui-Gon to train him
Senator Palpatine
Senator Palpatine acts as Queen Amidala's kindly ally, helping and advising her in times of trouble, such as the shipping blockade.
When the need for a new Supreme Chancellor for the Galactic Senate, Palpatine is nominated to replace Valorum and is later successful.
Captain Panaka
A dynamic and charismatic leader in the battle against the trade federation.
Captain Panaka is a formidable commander of the Royal Naboo Security force.
Darth Sidious
Darth Sidious the mastermind behind the demise of the republic. The mysterious sith lord is seen only as a hologram, but even this can inspire the sense of fear and dread. This robed shadowy figure is the true power behind the greedy Trade Federation.
He and his apprentice Darth Maul manage to manipulates events across the galaxy to arrange evil plans to aid in the down fall of the Republic and the Jedi's
The one thing that can be certain is that Darth Sidious is a very dangerous individual.
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