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Star Wars Characters | ![]() |
Admiral Ackbar : Mon Calamari commander of the Rebel Fleet
Admiral Piett : Commander of Darth Vader's Fleet
Anakin Skywalker : A hopeful young boy awaiting his destiny
Ben Kenobi : Jedi Knight and defender of the Old Republic
Biker Scouts : Imperial patrol scouts on the forest moon of Endor
Boba Fett : The best bounty hunter in the galaxy
Boss Nass : The stout ruler of Otoh Gunga, the largest underwater city on Naboo
C-3PO : In Episode I, An incomplete protocol droid
C-3PO : In Episodes IV-VI, Luke Skywalker's golden protocol droid
Captain Panaka : Head of Queen Amidala's security forces
Chewbacca : Han Solo's Wookiee copilot
Darth Sidious : The Misterious Sith Lord
Darth Vader : Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Maul : Powerful Sith apprentice
Depa Billaba : A Jedi Master and spiritual voice in the Jedi Council Chamber
Emperor Palpatine : All-powerful ruler of the Empire
Eeth Koth : A Zabrak Jedi Master renowned for his extreme mental discipline and willpower
Even Piell : Fierce Lannik warrior and Jedi Master
Grand Moff Tarkin : Imperial commander of the planet-destroying Death Star
Han Solo : Corellian smuggler and pilot of the Millennium Falcon
Imperial Guard : Fanatically loyal security guards of Emperor Palpatine
Jabba The Hutt : Grotesque and powerful criminal underlord
Jar Jar Binks : A clumsy, yet good natured Gungan
Ki-Adi-Mundi : Jedi Knight from the utopian world of Cerea
Lando Calrissian : Baron administrator of Bespin's Cloud City
Luke Skywalker : Tatooine farmboy turned hero of the Rebel Alliance
Mace Windu : Powerful voice in the Jedi Council
Mon Mothma : Galactic senator and supreme leader of the Rebel Alliance
Nute Gunray : A Viceroy and member of the Trade Federation Executive Board
Obi-Wan Kenobi : Promising Jedi apprentice
Oppo Rancisis : Jedi Master known for his expertise in military tactics and warfare
Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru : Foster parents of Luke Skywalker
Princess Leia : Strong-willed heroine of the Rebel Alliance
Queen Amidala : Ruler of the Naboo people
Qui-Gon Jinn : Insightful Jedi Master
Rune Haako : Neimoidian diplomatic attach� and legal counsel to the Trade Federation
R2-D2 : Luke Skywalker's trusty astromech droid
Saesee Tiin : Courageous Jedi Master with telepathic abilities
Sebulba : The ruthless and cunning Podracer from Malastare
Senator Palpatine : Respected member of the Galatic Senate
Shmi Skywalker : Mother of young Anakin Skywalker
Stormtroopers : Armored shock troops of the Empire
Sy Snootles : The lead singer for Max Rebos band
Watto : Shrewd Toydarian used parts dealer
Wicket : A curious and resourceful young Ewok
Yaddle : A compassionate, patient, soft-spoken Jedi Master.
Yarael Poof : Quermian Jedi Council Member and master of Jedi mind tricks.
Yoda : Wise master of the Force and teacher of Jedi
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