About The Author

Hi my name is Advent (Well that is not my really name but just in case there are any nutcases out there that�s what I call myself on the web.) This is my first attempt at a Web Page so please forgive any mistakes. I am a student at Stamford College in Lincolnshire, England.

This web page has been created in a lesson called Global Communications (a Qualification offered by the UCLES examination board).

I am interested in many different things but by far the most important is sci-fi, My interest ranges from Star Trek to Star Wars (as you can tell from this site) and every thing in between. I have also just started to play chess on the ICC (Internet Chess Club) which allows me to play with thousands of people around the world with a large skill level.

At this point I would like to say hello to Matiss, Simon and Count Sleepflower all great friends who have kept me sane while trying to write this web site, and during many long hours in our local pub The Ship

Well that�s all I have to say for know so please enjoy the rest of my site.

If you have any problems with these pages please contact me

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